Impact Hub

Impact Hub

Impact Hub Athens is part of an International Network of social driven professionals and a variety of high impact creative professionals that are dedicated into prototyping the future of business. From social inclusion and social integration to environment and fair...
3S School Synergy Snacks

3S School Synergy Snacks

It is a Social Cooperative Enterprise for the Integration of Vulnerable Social Groups that has been operating since 2019 with the vision of vocational rehabilitation and the maximum possible autonomy of young people with intellectual disabilities and other...
Myrtillo Café

Myrtillo Café

MYRTILLO is a Social Cooperative Enterprise with a Special Purpose (the integration of vulnerable groups into the labour market) incorporated under Law 4019/2011. Myrtillo has been operating as a cafeteria and arts centre since October 2013. It is an innovative...


HASSAD is a business acceleration program designed for the next generation of Agritech & Agrifood startup companies in the world. The Acceleration program has been designed by studying the journeys of successful Agritech startup companies and the agricultural...


The Association of Ecotourism in Spain (AEE) is a non-profit association created in 2010 to promote sustainable tourism in protected areas and composed mainly of associations of tourism entrepreneurs located in natural areas, management entities of natural areas,...